Hope Carpenter, along with her husband Ron, Pastor Redemption Church. Redemption started in Greenville, South Carolina from 1991 until 2018 and grew to an international ministry. Redemption relocated its headquarters to San Jose, California in 2018. Ron and Hope have three grown children and five grandchildren. Hope holds an Associate of Arts degree in Vocal Performance and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education. She has authored three books, The Little Pink Book, The Most Beautiful Disaster, and If You Don’t Fight Then You Don’t Win.
When Hope is not helping her husband lead Redemption and spending time with her grandchildren she travels to Pakistan, Dominican Republic, Argentina, Mexico and wherever the Lord sends her to do missions work under the umbrella of Hope for the Nations. Hope’s heart and passion is seeing people’s lives changed and transformed so that they can be everything God has created them to be.